FIREFORCE announce new album title

The new FIREFORCE album will be called ANNIHILATE THE EVIL and is slated to be unleashed on mankind on September 1st, 2017.

The album was recorded and produced by the same team (Producer RD LIAPAKIS and engineer CHRISTIAN SCHMID) and in the same studio (THE PROPHECY STUDIOS) as the previous releases. The cover artwork was done by UWE JARLING and the booklet design by ANESTIS GOUDAS, who also did the DEATHBRINGER cover.

JONAS SANDERS, the drummer for PROPAIN, and a good friend of the band, was enlisted to play the drum tracks for this new album.

Be prepared for 12 COMBAT METAL tracks that will get you in their grip!

The band:
Filip “Flype” Lemmens: Vocals
Erwin Suetens: Guitars
Thierry van der Zanden: Guitars
Serge Bastaens: Bass
Jonas Sanders: Drums

Enjoy a sneak peek of the fantastic new artwork…

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DRAGONY video for „Lords Of The Hunt“ available

Dragony took part in a project of a group of aspiring students for the video of the titletrack to their last release „Lords Of The Hunt“. The extended EP (as in extra glorious), especially released for the bands 10th anniversary, is featuring two new tracks, as well as new renditions of fan favorites and songs, previously only available as bonus tracks.

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MINOTAURUS release video for „Cemetery“

MINOTAURUS and eHrlebnisfilm have teamed up once again to bring you the successor of their last effort „Erlkönig“. This time they chose the track „Cemetery“ from the last album Insolubilis and the video surely takes you back to medieval (or rather evil?) times. The video was filmed on location in the Volkskunde- und Freilichtmuseum Roscheiderhof and features famed (horror-)actor Mika Metz.

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DRAGONY – Lords Of The Hunt

In 2017, after two successful albums, the band is celebrating its 10th anniversary as well as the fifth birthday of their debut work „Legends“. These two events are the motor for Dragony to present their fans with a new MCD – a work which is well worth listening to. On the MCD, entitled „Lords Of The Hunt“ there are the great, the rare and some lost and found titles. Apart from two brand new songs, „Lords Of The Hunt“ and „Call Of The Wild“ you can find newly recorded versions of the debut work’s most popular songs, songs which were previously available only as bonus tracks, as well as demo rarities and it also includes the band’s two video clips of „Burning Skies“ and the David Hasselhoff cover version of „True Survivor“.



Total playing time 41:15


Video Album Trailer


„Call Of The Wild“ Lyric Video


  • Third release of the Austrian Symphonic Power Metal band (debut album: 6 from 7 points in Metal Hammer magazine).
  • Brilliant cover version/interpretation of the David Hasselhoff hit „True Survivor”!
  • Excellent reputation as live band, having toured with e.g. Gamma Ray, support shows with Powerwolf, Primal Fear, Axxis, Blind Guardian, Edenbridge, Paul Di’Anno, Sonata Arctica; festival appearances with e.g. Twisted Sister (Nova Rock).
  • EP with two new songs, new recordings and rare bonus tracks.
  • Cover artwork by Dušan Marković (Seven Kingdoms, A Sound Of Thunder, etc…).
07. April 2017
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CHRISTMAS SALE at Forever Rock!

Christmas is coming – and it’s always coming faster than one expects. The guys at Forever Rock are already in the christmas mood and thought they share it with you.

Visit their shop at – and save up to 71% on selected items throughout December 2016! Ho ho ho…


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MINOTAURUS – Insolubilis

MINOTAURUS have been active since 1994, delivering a unique mixture of Folk, Metal and an unmistakeable dash of originality. Until today, they could look back on eight releases, each of them displaying clear development factors from one to the next, something that has always been recognised by their growing fan base. The development goes a step further with „Insolubilis“, their new album in a new, extended line-up. MINOTAURUS work under the motto „create new and keep the tried and tested“, which, considering the band’s long history, shows wisdom and farsightedness. It is exactly in the realm of Folk Metal, one in which fans orientate themselves explicitly to bands, credibility in an important asset. In the band’s own discography the album, „Insolubilis“ is an absolute reference point and is certain to carry the band yet further forwards with giant steps. Like the half man, half bull, mythological creature which gave the band its name, MINOTAURUS is pawing the ground, about to charge.

Their fifth long-player, „Insolubilis“ took the band once again to the Empire Studios in Bensheim, with Rolf Munkes. Eleven new songs packed into a varied package, offer an impressive mixture of melodies and subjects. With lots of phantasy and humour the tracks transport the listener along an exciting journey to historical and mythological places, visiting sailors and mermaids, witches and ghosts, heroes, kings, princesses and priests, yes, even the legendary minotaur itself, through graveyards, pirate ships, forests, campfires, army camps, ruins and valleys.

Overall the album is harder and the song-writing is clearly more mature. Besides guitar duels so typical of the band, one hears Celtic harps, tin whistle, Tinwhistle, wooden flutes and even a curtal, the forerunner of the bassoon. The Folk influence has been honed and rounds off the overall impression beautifully. Multivocal song lines as well as several very catchy tracks also belong to the order of the day. With their fifth long player, MINOTAURUS has proved that there is still a lot of potential within them. „Insolubilis“ confirms this with no doubt whatsoever.



Total playing time 49:59


  • Mature, dynamic, heavy: that is the 2016 MINOTAURUS sound!
  • Produced by Rolf Munkes (Empire, Crematory, ex-Majesty, Tour guitarist for Tony Martin etc…) in the Empire Studios.
  • Ancient Epic Metal.
  • High quality back catalogue with excellent reviews.
11. November 2016
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SKYLINER – Condition Black

Jacksonville in Florida’s north-east shouldn’t be condemned just because Limp Bizkit hails from there. Jacksonville has more to offer. SKYLINER, for example, who appeared on the metal scene two years ago with their excellent album, „Outsiders“ and who immediately made their mark on the genre with their musical brew of Power and Prog Metal elements. The Americans sounded distinctly European, something that did not only make friends in their hometown. But they bit the bullet and carried on, working through local clubs and began writing songs for their follow-up album. „Condition Black“ built up on „Outsiders“ dipping a toe into new musical spheres and showed a band trying to find its new self without turning its back on its influences. Not an easy task but in the end the lads are to be congratulated on the success of the experiment.

In a musical sense they became more experimental, the songs are different to those on the predecessor, the sound reaches further into the past. „Condition Black“ is certainly an album which is not meant to be just music in the background.

The progged influences cannot be overlooked and they have moved somewhat away from the traditional Power Metal elements which stamped the predecessor album. The vocals became rawer and one could almost say that „Condition Black“ shows a band built on an entirely new musical base, turning down the sound to its most important elements. What may sound at first as unstructured and inconsistent soon shows its very own appeal.

„As Above, So Below (Those Who From Heaven To Earth Came)“ is a fast, straight number definitely in the style of Rage. In contrast to that is „The Morbid Architect“, a track whose growls and blast beats is almost frightening, but which is surprisingly good thanks to the combination with thrashy-fast metal passages. The progged, fast „Too Many Voices“ is one of the highlights of the album, as is „Your Hand In Mine“. The listener should not prejudge the album before listening it through, letting him- or herself be carried along, putting memories and opinions of the band to one side and giving the new a chance. SKYLINER certainly don’t make it easy with this new album, but isn’t it the unusual sound and style of a band which give new perspectives? „Condition Black“ is exactly one of those rare albums.



Total playing time 60:52


  • Second album of the US trio which has now torn down musical barriers and set new accents on its sound.
  • The long-awaited follow-up to their superb debut album.
  • For musically open-minded fans who appreciate and prefer albums with great variety.
21. October 2016
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SYMPHONITY interview, part III available

The third part of the video interview, conducted by Spark TV, about the upcoming SYMPHONITY album „King Of Persia“ is available on YouTube.

Composer and guitarist Libor Křivák talks about the progress of the band, lyric topics, songwriting process and much more. „King Of Persia“ will be released on September 30th (EU), November 18th in North America and is out now in JAPAN!

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Beam me up Scotty!